When SEO first came into play, the focus was on coding and practically nothing else. With the change in consumer habits and search engine functions, however, SEO has gained a much more human element. This means that while the logical, hands-on parts of the practice are still important, navigating the likes, dislikes, thoughts, and feelings of your audience is just as significant. It’s possible to find a happy medium, and we’ll show you how.

Technical SEO teams typically work on similar tasks as but separate from IT teams, helping to understand and clarify the needs of each content marketer, web developer, and link creator they deal with. The SEO team then puts its plans into action, making the data fetching, categorization, and ranking much easier. When SEO and IT teams collaborate, time is saved, issues are avoided, and cohesion is achieved.

Once your development teams are working together, separate on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page elements include internal links, website structure, coding errors, loading speed, page content, and mobile adaptability. In contrast, off-page elements include social networking, inbound links, influencer content, and guest articles.

Many of the things on these lists are better dealt with through emotional appeal, while others must be handled with logic and technicality. But some of them can go to either side of the SEO team, which can result in missed tasks and paradoxical outcomes. Because organic searches create nearly two-thirds of your website traffic, it’s important to assign certain jobs to one side over the other and decide which jobs will be handled by both.

A marketing strategy that’s been proven effective is the combining of site setup and content with visual style and humble promotion. This intertwining of human emotion and computer logic can double your website traffic and multiply your keyword rankings by a factor of eight if done correctly. The most important things to keep in mind are to avoid forcing specialization and encourage communication between all teams for a seamless user experience and, ultimately, better SEO for your company.

If you don’t already have a style guide for your company workers, develop one with rules that apply to everyone to ensure consistency in the strategy and outcome of all content. Your creation and optimization teams also become more connected this way, creating stronger team relationships and more cooperation in the workplace. Through generating more traffic and eventually more sales, style guides benefit everyone involved.

Of course, this all comes at a cost. Budgeting comes more easily when your company works as a unit composed of many intricate parts, despite the fact that organic search result optimization doesn’t have a clear price range. With a common goal and appropriately funded facets of the system, you can keep your budget under control while completing all necessary jobs.

Emotion and logic can’t be completely independent of one another for SEO to work. If you’re looking for long-term results, follow this framework and adjust accordingly along the way. A counterpart system is the best way to win.

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