Suparna Anada, Chandigarh resident and fashion designer, can’t remember the last time she saw an ad on her Google chrome browser. This is thanks to advice from her friend to install Adblock plus on her browser and the disruptive ads that seemed to pop up out of nowhere have vanished.
She was experiencing just how disruptive and obtrusive experience internet advertising can be when you land on just about any website. Some force you to watch a video that takes your whole screen when you only came to read a bit of text. These ads can even drain your data use when you just wanted to view a simple file. And they are visually so distracting that they cannot help but draw your eye and lose interest in the website content you came to see in the first place because the ads are just too much.
These advertisement providers have allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point where the content they are pushing out sometimes contains malware, pornographic images, phishing links and other exceptionally irritating features like flashing lights and booming sounds. Stealing of data or internet bandwidth is also common.
Regardless of whether your goal is to stop seeing ads or not, the Adblock plus is so useful. It stops rickrolls, unpleasant material, offensive materials and anything of that sort. The Adblock Plus is also super effective at blocking malware.
Because ads are a critical way for website’s to generate revenue to create free content for you, many people prefer to allow some ads to remain visible. But regardless, Adblock will continue to help you by blocking Malware.
It’s still a niche plugin for the time being, but it has big upside, and not only due to its power to simplify cluttered websites with far too many advertisements. Its greatest significance to the online world is its potential to disrupt the business of online advertising. After a short installation, it normally causes all commercial content to disappear. From then on, you won’t see any google ads based on your search terms or flashing banners.
Adblock has even been able to foil Facebook’s scheme to stop blockers. It is a totally open source plugin, created by Wladimir Palant, and it discovered a means of stripping ads from Facebook, despite being served in the new-blocker proof format. So long as you have an updated plugin, you will avoid these ads. While it’s not totally foolproof yet, it’s still bad news for Facebook and while the two sides are locked in battle for the moment, it’s hard to see Facebook devoting many resources to the fight with such a small plugin. We will how the future unfolds.
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