Getting conversions from your online content is becoming increasingly difficult as the online world changes. You’re now up against not only your industry competitors, but also any other companies looking for digital space to advertise. It’s not always easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard, either. If you want to succeed, you need to know what your target audience likes and offer those things to them.

With the growing mistrust of companies among consumers, customer testimonials make your business much more credible to outsiders. Consumers have begun to look to their close friends, loved ones, and even general social groups they fit into for advice, so showing a few highly positive and generally descriptive testimonials on your website and in marketing emails will intrigue them. You’ll gain more conversions soon after.

Give your business website, ads, and emails a human element. People prefer talking to other people over sales robots. By giving your company a distinctive voice, you’ll naturally appear more relatable and trustworthy to your audience. Respond to tweets, posts, and comments whenever you can to show that your company cares about its customers. You may also want to consider taking photos or creating videos that further establish your brand as human.

When it comes to ecommerce, simplify your purchase and sign-up processes as much as you can. The world’s attention span is growing shorter every year, which means things that take too much time won’t be done nearly as often as fast and simple things. Ask for a reasonable amount of information during signup, keeping your message clear and concise, and insert an autofill function for returning customers. Checkout and emails should be similar, automatically filling in previously used information and highlighting the speed at which each task can be completed.

Don’t overcrowd your ads, emails, blog, or website. Too much input is overwhelming for consumers, and if they’re bombarded with too much information, they’ll begin to tune certain things out. Selective consumer attention is often why so many ads aren’t particularly successful. Aim for a sleek, simple web design in every piece of content you create so your audience can take in all of the information you’re displaying. This also forces you to advertise only the most important things to your audience, getting straight to the point.

Our final suggestion is to find a way to collect a bit of personal information from users that have visited your site and are about to leave for an undetermined amount of time. For all you know, they may never return, but you can encourage them to by kindly asking for a name, email address, or any other piece of contact information for the future. A short message paired with a discount or free offer for one of your products or services is the most effective way to draw departing customers back in.

Sometimes, it seems impossible to gain conversions online with advancements occurring at such a rapid rate. But as we’ve shown you in this article, there are ways to turn passersby into brand loyalists.

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