Gaining and keeping the trust of others has proven to be challenging, and when those others are skeptical consumers, the task becomes even more difficult. Fortunately, having some knowledge of consumer psychology can make relationship development a bit easier.

Loss aversion is a powerful psychological phenomena that causes people to put more effort into avoiding losses than aiming for gains. One study divided participants into two groups, the first of which could risk losing or gaining $50 and ultimately keep $30, and the second of which could do the same gamble and ultimately surrender $20. Despite the game being the same, 61% of participants in the second group were willing to take the chance, compared to 43% in the first group.

Keep in mind that people will risk more to avoid losing something when you’re reaching out to your audience. Make your message clear and concise, remembering that possible losses are more significant to your customers than possible gains are. Mention what they’ll be missing out on and you’ll make more conversions.

Another common human trait is the tendency to harbour belief bias. With belief bias, people can ignore facts and practical statements if the conclusion drawn from them sounds unlikely. The participants of a related study claimed that 80% of the realistic statements they were presented with had good supporting evidence, while only 33% of the unrealistic statements had good supporting evidence.

The general population refuses to believe unrealistic statements, regardless of the research that backs them up. Never be too bold in your offers, even if your products or services are outstanding. Modesty is truly the best way to bring in customers and have them leave surprised with how good their experience was.

Reasoning with the word “because” can be very influential on your target audience. A study completed at Harvard showed that 93% of people were allowed to skip ahead at a machine use lineup when they gave a reason for it, while simply asking without providing a reason gave people a pass only 60% of the time.

Connect with your audience by giving them reasons to interact with you. Old school advertising is a one-way street, while reasoning opens things up and offers a more genuine connection. Using “because” isn’t necessary, but it sure does help.

By making it clear that your potential customers are allowed to say no to your offer, they’ll surprisingly be more open to saying yes. Many studies have concluded that participants who are told they can refuse something are two times as likely to agree to it.

Instead of trying to force your customers to jump on the deal you’re giving them, remind them that they can turn it down. It reinforces the fact that they’re independent and uncontrolled, making it easier for them to freely participate.

Employing ecommerce techniques your audience will react well to is a great way to gain their trust and stay genuine in the process. Don’t manipulate your customers; go for gentle persuasion and you’ll have more success.

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