The absence of activity on social media indicates that your marketing techniques aren’t working. But when they are, how do you quantify their success? There are several effective ways to do so.
First, take a look at how much your target audience is tagging and mentioning your brand. If you’re marketing correctly, the number of followers you have should increase, and those followers should be sharing your brand with others. They can do this by reposting your content, writing about your business, or publishing posts with your handle in them.
Many followers and few mentions signifies that your company may come across as attractive but superficial. To fix this, experiment with new content strategies to truly engage the wide audience you’ve gained. If you’re experiencing the opposite problem - a plethora of mentions and a tiny collection of followers - it means your advertising is great, but you’re not giving your company enough exposure. Try a few tactics that accurately represent your brand and will get it noticed.
You should next investigate how involved with your brand your customers really are by analyzing the number of likes, shares, links, forwards, and comments you receive. Better yet, enable an analytics tool for all of your social media accounts and use that information to post the right content on the right platform.
Another great way to get the conversation about your brand going is to team up with companies similar to yours that have already gained popularity. These third parties can easily be found through applications like BuzzSumo, and promoting your brand like this helps draw attention to your social media pages. Try it out on a few different platforms and persist with the one that works best.
Use questionnaires and polls to discover your audience’s overall feelings towards your company. Narrow down the results by releasing additional questionnaires on different platforms to determine which one works best for advertising. The number of responses and the speed at which you receive these responses is another simple way to evaluate your strategies.
Make sure your employees are genuinely interested in what the brand stands for and are okay with representing those values. If your team is engaged, your audience is sure to follow. Once you’ve investigated that element of your business, explore the conversions you’ve put into each social media platform your company uses and adjust your marketing techniques accordingly.
Last but not least, set up software to determine how much profit you’re making with the addition of your social media presence. This can be done either through a single-attribution model or a multi-touch model, the first of which identifies the one source that your revenue comes from and the second of which points out several sources. One may be better than the other for your company, depending on what you sell and how you sell it.
If you keep these elements in mind and make modifications when necessary, your company will develop a strong online presence and bring in the profit you’re looking for.
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